Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Loves coffee, long walks on the beach & taking photos

After surviving a nasty flu epidemic over the weekend and finally completing the edits on my school progress reports as of 7:37 this evening (YAY), I decided it was time for a new post. Something many may not know about me is that I am obsessed with pictures. And photography. And all kids of photographs, old, new, whatever. I have been taking pictures from when I was young, starting out with those awesome disposable cameras you would get at CVS and then have to bring back to get the film developed. And then I graduated to digital cameras, where I captured (pretty much) every moment of my middle school, high school and early college years.

And then I started to be interested in taking people's photographs as something like a portrait. So I put my handy digital camera to work. I would pick out the outfit, style the hair and makeup, and it would end up looking something like this:
This is Caroline, who so graciously volunteered to trek around Boston in this get-up in the middle of the Summer so I could capture my 'vision'. 

For Christmas a few years ago, I received my first REAL camera, a Nikon! Words wouldn't be able to express the excitement. It was like receiving 20 pounds of m&ms after not having chocolate for 22 years.  (But better!)  Finally, high quality pictures and an excuse to take even more of them! I recruited friends to galavant around Boston with me and take pictures and it was a blast!

Some of my favorite photos I have ever taken from were from this time-I was using my camera like crazy, in my last years of school and living in the North End. (I also lived about 20 seconds away from a 24-hour bakery called Bova's, so that was also a noteworthy high point) I should also point out that I have absolutely no training in photography-none whatsoever. I taught myself and "youtubed" how to use my precious Nikon and passing a photography class for me would mean "graduating" from using disposable cameras. I would love the opportunity to take a formal class some day.  But nonetheless, I consider "photography" an old, old hobby and hope that it never looses it's charm in an age where not-half-bad photos are taken so leisurely on our phones. 

I had so much fun looking through all my old photos and picking out some of my favorites. And I would love to share with you! 

Eileen, lookin' beautiful in the North End! 

Cristina, in my old & tiny apartment. 

Eileen, in the Greenway. 

My beautiful best friend Annie, at Singing beach. 

Annie and Jame's engagement photoshoot on the hottest day of July. 

Dan, who I was just dating at the time. Now he is my husband. :) 

I am so anxious and excited to get back into taking photos! My poor camera has been camping out in my closet for months now. I'm not sure why i've been on a long hiatus from it, but I firmly believe that if life's worth living, it's worth capturing. :) 

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